A legal framework
The development of international and national standards gives companies an operating framework that leads them to define concrete and measurable actions and units of analysis. The results obtained are classified and listed; they define the company’s level of CSR commitment – Corporate Social Responsibility, and/or assign an ESG Environmental, Social and Governance score.
These formalized data are recorded in a mandatory document according to the size and typology of the companies, which is called «Sustainability Report» or «DPEF (Extra-financial Performance Statement)».
Some references:

CO 964a to 964l – Duty of Due Diligence
Kyoto – Global Compact – Grenelle Paris – ISO 26000 – 17 SDGs – COP21 – Global Reporting Initiative – ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board)…

OECD – CSRD (Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive – SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclorure Regulation)

It is no longer necessary today to convince the world of the climate and human crisis that our planet is going through.
A collective awareness has been developing for several years to change behaviors and evolve our productivist operating systems, across continents, organizations, countries, companies and people.
To channel the actions carried out, recommendations and regulations are put in place to act positively on our current and future developments.
CSR support

Benefits and wealth creation for businesses:
Not all companies are subject to CSR legal obligations, but the regulatory framework is changing rapidly and they urgently need to anticipate and start a voluntary approach.
The CSR concept is a virtuous circle that produces its results when the actions carried out are common to the value chain (the CSR rating encourages companies to collaborate with those engaged in the same process).
The company can reap major benefits:
Leverage internal dynamics and innovation
Opportunity to open up
Credibility with investors and clients
Improved performance
Anticipating risks and opportunities
Recruiting new talent
Business model transformation

The implementation of a CSR strategy is conditional on a structured methodology. It is generally led by an external expert in the field.
After presentation of the concepts and validation by the management bodies of the company, he establishes a team of internal employees in charge of different missions and coordinates the management of the communication with the stakeholders, and the technical experts if necessary (Climate, Carbon, LCA-Life Cycle Analysis Agency, SAI-Social Advisor Index…).
It includes in its analysis all the actions already implemented by the company, including management systems and ISO certifications.
It ensures the integral management of the project until the end of its mission.
Our expertise

CSR Reporting – Sustainability Report – Preparation of auditables
Control and Corrective Action (PDCA)
Definition of the action plan / Team support
Stakeholder Consultation / Materiality Matrix
Prioritization of issues / Choice of repository
CSR diagnosis and maturity assessment
Our methodology
A CSR label is a certification that attests to the company’s real and concrete commitment to a corporate social responsibility approach. In other words, the company can provide formal proof of the implementation of a coherent global strategy that respects the planet, employees, customers, partners and society as a whole.
A CSR label generally testifies to the company’s desire to engage in a process of continuous improvement.
These labels include:
Labels of progress (that is to say, a label that awards a rating that defines at the moment T the level of maturity of the company and that is bound to evolve)
Labels of excellence (which attest that the company has obtained the required level of maturity)
Sector labels (linked to the company’s activity)
Thematic labels (based on one of the pillars of CSR)
Our support:
Implementation of necessary measures
Monitoring and Improvement (PDCA)
Operational Communication
CSR maturity diagnosis
Environmental scan
Comparison and label selection
Strategic Definition

A CSR audit is a valuable tool to objectively assess your company. It allows you to take stock at a precise moment of the company’s performance in terms of sustainable development, to evaluate the effectiveness of the tools put in place and the actions carried out, with regard to the ambitions and commitments defined upstream.
The CSR audit takes place in the company and aims to verify the adequacy of the management system to all the requirements of the repositories, in accordance with principles of transparency and accountability.
The CSR audit allows the company to have an external and neutral look at its situation and its level of effectiveness by evaluating its results. In light of the findings, the company can take the necessary strategic measures to improve its future performance.
Audit process
Conduct of the audit
Writing the audit report
Audit follow-up
Setting goals
Referential collection
Preparation of the audit plan